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The Golden Temple

Documentary 70'
Italy - France 2012

The Golden Temple aims to capture the spirit and the atmosphere of the last year before the Olympic Games. The games were passing like a devouring lion through the metropolis of London for the third time in modern history.

Come voler riempire il mare con la sabbia. Seguire il processo di rigenerazione olimpica nell’est di Londra trattandolo come una grande metafora del contemporaneo.

Three temples were located in the same space: one for Leisure, another for Worship and the last for Consumption. This approach behind a massive collective event reveals the beating heart of capitalism; examining how human beings in their fragility are transformed into human devices through the Olympics process of reimagining their placement.

Come un imponente caleidoscopio attraverso il quale cerchiamo una possibile narrazione, nascosta intorno a tre luoghi: uno stadio, il centro commerciale più grande d’Europa e una piccola chiesa alternativa ospitata in una ex officina.

The film is an urban odyssey; initially exploring place as a phenomenon of global postcolonial heritage, and moving towards an era of artificialised, yet primitive high technology. Through this invesigation, cinema acts as a tool, with the purpose of becoming an instrument of knowledge.

Ci sono persone che abitano intorno a questo spazio, vivendo dentro a questo magma di cambiamento. Persone con pensieri che riguardano l’austerità, i templi, il lusso, i servizi coinvolti e il senso di comunità. Siamo stati dentro a questo ambiente, nel mezzo di un’apocalisse capitalista che si nasconde dietro a un dito; ci si può perdere in questo Tempio d’oro.


Director: Enrico Masi
Story: Lorenzo Masi, Mike Wells
Literary contribution: Iain Sinclair from the book “Ghost Milk” (Penguin, 2011)
Screenplay: Enrico Masi, Stefano Migliore
Cinematography: Giuliana Fantoni, Alberto Gemmi
Extraordinary presence of: Raoul Casadei, Paolo Fresu, Lucio Dalla
Set Photographer: Jennika Argent, Marcello Bianchi
Production assistant: Valentina Masi, Andrea Bonanno
General Equipment Supply: Mirco Marmiroli
Editing: Giuseppe Petruzzellis
Original Soundtrack: Zende Music
Sound Designer: Jacopo Bonora
SoundMIX Studio: Florian Cine TV – Bologna
Artistic Direction: Stefano Croci, Sophie Westerlind
Color Grade: Aplysia
16 mm Process: Tony Scott Film Lab  – London
Telecine: Deluxe Soho – London
Production: Caucaso Factory
Co-production: Aplysia, Nordeste, Dupleix
Press Office: Rizoma

Countries of Production: Italy, France
Scientific Board: Matilde Callari Galli, David Garbin, Luigi Guerra
Shooting Format: Full HD, 16mm Color-B&W
Screening Format: 16 mm, DCP, DVD


.Giornate degli Autori – Venice Nights – 69^ Mostra d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia Italy – 2012
.Salina Doc Fest – Italy – 2012
.Festival dei Popoli – sezione Panorama – Firenze Italy – 2012
.Reykjavik International Film Festival – Iceland – 2012
.Document Film Festival 10 – Glasgow UK – 2012
.FIDRA – Festival Internazionale del Reportage Ambientale – Genova Italy – 2012
.Sulmona Cinema Film Festival – Italy – 2012
.Sala Doc – Cinema Odeon – Bologna Italy – 2012
.Doc Under 30 – Cinema Apollo – Ferrara Italy – 2012
.Cinema Giorgione – Venezia Italy – 2013
.Cineteca di Bologna – I mercoledì del Documentario – Bologna Italy – 2013
.UCL Urban Laboratory – London UK – 2013
.Doc in Tour – Emilia Romagna Italy – 2013
.Milano – DocuCity – Università degli Studi di Milano – Italy – 2013
.31st International Film Festival of Uruguay – 2013
Bergamo – UniBergamoRete – Università degli Studi di Bergamo – Italy – 2013
.Ciudad Revelades – Buenos Aires, Argentina – 2013
.Urbanize 2013 –
Wien, Austria – 2013
.Politecnico – Valentino – Torino, Italy – 2013

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