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                                                                      WORK|OUT was at first based in Bologna, from where it produced all of the journal’s content, organised events and coordinated the distribution of up to 10,000 copies across universities and cultural spots in Genoa, Milan, Florence, Venice, Rome and of course, Bologna.   When in 2003 WORK|OUT arrived in Bologna, it had already established a structure of small editing teams and correspondents in different towns, creating daily news for the Internet and in-depth articles for the print version. Another challenge was the multilingual nature of the project, resolved by a wide-ranging network of translators and editorial contributors in the UK, Germany, Italy, France, Poland and Spain.   For the development of this system, WORK|OUT was twice (in 2004 and in 2005) honoured with the Italian national award for innovative content and solutions in print and multimedia– the Premio Palinsesto Italia – and awarded a cash prize. The jury praised the “network-based editing structure” of WORK|OUT and the “valid example of Europe-wide distribution of content which is informative and poses questions of identity and culture”.   What may today seem old-fashioned and obvious could not be said at the time; reflecting the Caucaso endeavour of being part of an international web of knowledge. La rivista WORK|OUT esiste dal 1999, in Italia dal 2003. Originariamente redatta e pubblicata a Berlino come giornale per “studenti al lavoro”, si è in seguito ampliata, attirando notizie e contributi provenienti dalle diverse redazioni studentesche formatesi a Parigi, Roma, Barcelona, Cracovia e Bologna e diventando cosí un importante strumento d’informazione politica e di comunicazione universitaria nella nuova Europa unita. WORK|OUT oggi ha acquisito la struttura di una solida rete ed è presente in diversi supporti: un giornale unico redatto in 6 lingue diverse e distribuito in otto città universitarie d’Europa ed un portale sulla rete,
 www.efors.eu. Ha vinto, per due anni di seguito, il premio Palinsesto Italia, premio nazionale per contenuti e soluzioni innovative per l’editoria multimediale e multipiattaforma, “per la struttura redazionale a network e in quanto valido esempio di distribuzione europea di un contenuto al tempo stesso informativo, identitario europeo e critico-culturale” (2° premio 2004, 1° premio sezione progetti 2005).                                                
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